Helpful Hints
- Keep your 'Local' calendar to a tight population area. Do not try to spread the net too far.
- Two separate calendars will sell better than one trying to do the job of two.
- Do not charge top prices on the first year, create extra demand by offering good value.
- You want the maximum selling period. So try not to leave it later than July/August to order, although you can still order after this date.
- Do not wait until you have run out before reordering (allow a two week lead-in)
- Work out your final reprint orders before December.
Q How should I supply my images?
A Please send either jpeg, tiff or high resolution pdf format. Please supply
these images as large as possible (approximately 1.5mb (2500 pixels per
inch wide) per picture. We can accept pictures by either email, CD or USB
stick only.
TIP: If taking pictures with a digital camera set it up to give the fewest
pictures per card to gain the best quality in terms of size.
Q Can I send photographs?
A Yes, if it is traditional film print. Inkjet prints may be sent as reference but
not for reproduction as the high power scanner picks up the individual
Q How long will it take?
A Normally 10 days for the proof and overall about 4 weeks.
Q Can I pay by credit card?
A Yes, but we would have to add a £4.00 administration charge.